Medical Esthetic

Medical Esthetic

  • Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures

    As time goes by, the skin on the face and neck begins to lose elasticity, gradually forming wrinkles...

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  • Body Contouring Procedures

    Liposuction is a surgical procedure performed to correct your body contour by removing excess fat from specific areas of the body...

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  • Information on Breast Surgery

    Breast enlargement is a surgical procedure aiming at increasing the size of female breasts...

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Breast reduction and uplift

Qualification for surgery
Apart from standard assessment of health condition, the reason for breast reduction surgery must be established. Typically, large breasts cause spine deformation resulting in pain and bad posture. In some cases one breast is much larger than the other and the patient does not want to have the smaller breast enlarged. As a part of the qualification procedure general condition of breasts must also be evaluated i.e. gland tension and condition of the skin. Slightly droopy breasts with intact skin can be subject to a reduction procedure and retain the gland's function which does not interfere with future breastfeeding and therefore may be performed in a young patient. Droopy breasts with loose skin and mastopathic changes need to be reduced, lifted and filled with an anatomical implant in order to achieve satisfactory results, but this technique precludes future breastfeeding. Numerous surgery techniques available are based on various types of skin/gland reduction and modelling of a new gland. Some surgeries do not provide an immediate effect, but ultimately the results are very natural and long lasting.
Before the surgery
  • The following tests must be carried out:
    • Blood type
    • Complete blood count (CBC) with differential
    • ESR
    • Complete blood count (CBC) with differential,
    • fasting glycaemia,
    • Hbs,
    • HCV,
    • ECG,
    • Breast ultrasound scan or mammography.

  • Duration of the procedure
    2,5 - 4 hours
    Swelling and bruising around the operated area is very common. Drainage tubes are removed before you leave the clinic. Depending on the patient, most bruising and swelling subsides after two to three weeks. You may experience some pain which can be relieved with standard painkillers. The stitches are removed after 7 and 14 days, however the majority of sutures are hidden and gradually absorbed by the body. For 4 to 8 weeks after surgery you will be required to wear a special support bra during the day and at night. All depends on the extent of the surgery and on the healing process.
    Risk and complications
    Every surgery carries some risk. In order to minimise any possible risk of complications, you must provide the surgeon with all details relating to your health, especially if you smoke, are on medication or have undergone a surgery in or around the area which is to be operated upon. You can minimise the risk significantly by choosing a well-qualified and experienced plastic surgeon and by strictly following their advice before and after the surgery. Although currently all plastic surgery procedures are very safe, your surgeon will discuss any possible, although unlikely, complications in connection with your treatment.